Reef Reqiuem

Study program: Digital Media Production
Lecture: MKL-PR-AD PT
Lecturer(s): Michael Iber
Team leader: Julian Geitzenauer
Team members:
  • Julian Geitzenauer (mp221501)

Short description: An underwater 3D Audio play that brings the listener closer to the beauty of corals.

Project description:

The 3D audio play “Reef Requiem - A sonic exploration of Corals Revolution” takes the listener on an underwater journey in the year 2053. During a dive, coral reefs are explored, which are gradually recovering due to measures against the climate crisis. A diving guide takes the listener on an auditory journey, which also includes a trip into the past (today's present). The suffering, but also the resurrection of the corals are depicted by an impressive soundscape, which is composed of atmospheric sounds, music and sound effects. Technically, the radio play is innovative, as it is realized using binaural audio with head tracking. In this way, the surrounding effect of the medium water is presented immersively and the digital underwater experience is raised to a new level. In addition, the importance of measures against climate change and coral reefs for our ecosystem is emphasized.